Long view of lake with mountains

The Path of Christs

The generalities of life are predetermined.  Everything is already known as all of us have been alive before.  Life is simply a remembering process.  Signs of this appear in Déjà vu, sychronicities, sparks of lightening when crossing paths with past life loves, and a family connection beyond bloodlines, etc.  

Spirituality isn't for us to learn, it is to unlearn, hence un-spirituality.

Once our foundation techniques for discernment are mastered to replace psychic abilities, we can unbecome self (as the sum of all memory creates ego) to uncouple from the memory of soul consciousness and expand self-awareness infinitely.  Through the reflection of everything we can reflect Christ as self on the path of Christ's back to Source.   

We cheat the setbacks of the matrix of our perpetual reincarnation by having awareness beyond it so we can make the best choices in any situation to propel us further upwards, free of the predeterminism of fate, karma, and destiny.

Discerning Cycles & Realizing Opportunities

Life is predetermined from the highlights of our spiritual purpose which translates to fate and destiny and includes the karmic cycles of past lives.  Psychic abilities rely on conscious and unconscious memory to offer a "recollection or sense" of what is happening.  Unfortunately, psychic abilities reinforce predeterminism.  Un-spirituality holds the secret to bypass predeterminism.

Un-spirituality utilizes a reflection of life's experiences that sparks gut instinct, a knowing without understanding, yet it is 99.99% accurate.  At 9GRD we utilize discernment of the spirit with gut instinct through omniscience (4 perspectives) to read all cycles and avoid repeating the past towards unlocking real potential without wasting time.

Man praying to god at morning on mountains

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Participate in this revolution that the Christ path within each of us can be awakened. Join 9GRD, where you’ll discover inner peace, whole life understanding and limitless growth potential on the path of Christs.